Monday, July 20, 2009

My First Blog

Hiya! I'm Erisa. I'm new to blogging ^_^. Nice to meet you!

I'm a BIIIIGG Japanese fan, mostly of Hello!Project and various anime + manga series. I wish I could say that I have Asian heritage, but that would make me just too lucky, wouldn't it? I am half Arab, a fourth Irish, and a fourth Norwegian. But some of my biggest dreams are to learn the Japanese language and visit Japan!, if not LIVE there!! That would be the most amazing thing I could ever hope for!

The "ama no jaku" PV just got out today!! I was so ecstatic when I woke up to find it! I had a "Shugo! Shugo!" related dream last night, so I thought it was kind of if I almost expected it! HAHA.
I loved it! Kawaii desu yo!!! All 4 of the members looked really nice, and grown up too! The dance was perfect and it looks like a lot of fun. And did you see Wada Ayaka-chan's drawing? I'm an artist too, so I thought that was awesome!!! I can't wait for the making to come out, I want to see how she does it! This is a remarkable talent I wouldn't have guessed for Wada.

I joined this blog because of Michigopyon. I watch her amazing youtube videos sometimes, and I thought blogging looked like fun. So I joined. Also, I'm trying to make a few friends. She's just a bit older than me, but I hope that we can connect through this miraculous thing called the internet one day. She's really cool, and I think she would be fun to talk to.
I don't have any friends that like the Hello!Project. And everyone I tell about them hates it! It's so dumb [x__x]. I want to make a friend that has the same interest, just for once! Onegai, blue moon...

I want to go to Japan one day!
I am planning on taking the language class in High school when I'm a Sophomore, but that's a while away. I'm not even sure if they offer a trip, or if my parents would even let me go! They didn't let 2 of my sisters go to France, nor the other go to Spain, so why would they let me go to Japan? Well, I hope when that time comes, they will see my true desire to go, and then wish me the best as I'm on my way.
As for now, I've basically been saving money (my $7.00 allowance...woohoo! That'll cover it..=/), and learning to speak in Japanese. I don't know much now, but I'm prepared to buckle down and really work at it. And of course....this is all assuming that if I just pretend it to be a reality, it'll happen....but that's doubtable.

If I went to Japan would I even fit in? My sister's teacher worked there for 10 years as a socialogy professor. Him and his family went back to visit recently, and they wouldn't even let him stay in a hotel room! Are they really that harsh toward foreigners?
Not to mention, I look completely different! Not to say I'm fat, but tall....big nose....brown hair that constantly gets lighter....and curvy. (Oh yeah, and if I try to do anything Japanese, it is SERIOUSLY not cute. ><) I would give anything to be a short, black haired, adorable, thin Japanese girl, but nondesu yo. It isn't so. And it never will be. *sigh* =/ My interest for the Japanese always grows. You know how here in the states, you find that group of Asian boys that walk around in a big group and speak to each other in a language no one around them understands? I eavesdrop on them sometimes... *guilty* ><. It is a hope of mine that I will see my growth in knowledge of their dialect when I can understand what they are talking about. This blog is pretty random, but yep! That's me! =) I'll continue to blog and note how things change, and I'll state my opinions on the latest H!P releases.
<---sorry for the sideways picture >__<. But like I said, totally not cute. [-___-]

I wanted to share this kitty picture with you ^_^. One of my close friends gave it to me for Christmas. Adorable, isn't it? (<333)

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